helena on "Questions post D&C"
Hi,This is my first D and C and not sure what to expect. I had the procedure 2 days ago and am still feeling quite pg. My bbs still really hurt and feel a little nautious, tired etc.. Is this normal???...
View Articlebakar on "My body can\'t even miscarry properly"
I had a missed miscarriage and a d&c last Friday after being told 8 days before our baby had died. I was doing fine after the d&c only lightly spotting and then 5 days later I start having...
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View Articlebiyoloji on "Feeling Horrible (graphic/current preg and mc mentioned)"
I posted an old thread about not knowing where i belong because i had mc two of my triplets but have had success thus far with the singleton. my due date was yesterday (still waiting). anywayAbout two...
View Articleoberhaus on "Ectopic-Path report shows no fetal tissue in tube -graphic."
I'm just wondering if this has ever happened to anyone, or if you have heard of this happening?My History: May 28th had U/S at 6w2d and it revealed pregnacy in the left tube - Seen on u/s sac and small...
View Articlesemaalevcan on "Hormone levels & extreme depression....question!"
Pg/ MC mentionedLate June I did an DE IVF....the cycle itself had some bumps in the road...my lining started off thin and my estrogen dosages were TRIPLED! I have a history of low progesterone....so my...
View Articlebakar on "Normal female"
I called the clinic today to find out what the chromosome analysis on our baby came back as (my d&c would be 6 weeks tomorrow). She said it was a 46XX so now they are trying to brush it off as an...
View Articlemaria_k on "Would you of rather had a BFN???"
This was my first IVF experience and used donor eggs due to diminished ovarian reserve. I met my soulmate/husband 3 yrs ago and we are both older (I am almost 38 he is 42). We want to have a family yet...
View Articlegulesin on "Need your thoughts- loss at 20 weeks"
After a youngihmfectly normal anatomy scan, the baby had no heartbeat at 20 weeks. Had D&E a few days ago, waiting on pathology reports. But on visualation, no known cause.Here is what keeps...
View ArticleZoya on "Preparing to miscarry"
I'm having a miscarriage and my doctor told me to prepare for it at home. What should I expect?
View ArticleZoya on "Cytotec and miscarriage"
I've heard that Cytotec can be used to induce a miscarriage. Is this true? What should I know about using Cytotec for this purpose?
View Articlebakar on "Baby asprin?"
Is anybody on this or extra folic acid? I wasn't but now since losing my first pregnancy I wonder if I should take it just in case. Our baby came back normal so this is the only cause that I can think...
View Articletianarahagalala on "PSA: If your baby was born alive (you have a birth cert)...
I just did the research and confirmed that we can take a tax deduction for our son, who died shortly after birth, even though we don't have a social security number for him. Publication 17 from the IRS...
View Articlechristinakotz on "A mothers day wish from Heaven"
A Mother's Day Wish From HeavenBy Jody SeilheimerDear Mr. Hallmark,I am writing to you from heaven,and though it must appearA rather strange idea,I see everything from here.I just popped in to...
View Articlepalmira on "Symptoms post m/c (some TMI)"
I had a natural m/c about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was about 8 weeks pg but was measuring about 6 weeks. I initially bled VERY heavily (with lots of cramping) for several hours. Eventually bleeding and...
View Articlesuhaj on "Did I love enough?"
PG mentioned I have started a new thread because I did not want to hijack Sunshines thread but reading the responses to her thread raised so many questions and feelings in me that I want to share...
View Articleskarolidou on "Stillborn at 27 weeks"
Hi everyone. I just gave birth to my beautiful son, Nathan William, on March 9. I was 27 weeks pregnant and he had a knot in his cord. I'm looking for support as I am sinking into an abyss of...
View Articlecompteabdou on "Post home m/c"
conctipated for several days. Zero bathroom visits!Did Colace, milk of magnesia. cant eat till get things moving. suggestions?
View ArticleAnna_Maria on "How long after stopping PIO did you get miscarry naturally"
I am a little over six weeks, but measuring five weeks, so I am hoping since this is very early I can avoid a D&C. Can someone tell me how long after stopping PIO they started to bleed? I know...
View Articlebakar on "So mad"
I opened my inbox because I had to check on a course I am taken. Well 2.5 months since the m/c and countless hours spent on unsubscribing I am still getting baby and pregnancy emails. This would be bad...
View Articledtilbury on "Advice needed----negative blood type"
I need some advice............I recently had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. On the day of my D & C, my OB informed since I had O negative blood I would be receiving a Rhogam shot before going home. As...
View ArticleAmbiente on "Blighted ovum and waiting..."
I was hoping someone who has gone through this can give me some feedback.I had a scan at 6.5 days and while the sac is growing there is nothing else. So the assumption is that it is a blighted ovum.Yet...
View Articlebakar on "Your baby is 16 weeks now"
This was the subject line of an email in my mail box today. It has been 6 weeks since the d&c and I thought I unsubscribed from all of these darn baby lists, I guess not or they are readding me....
View Articlemariofreitas on "When will m/c happen after I stop meds?"
Hello,I have an US on Thursday to re-confirm this pregnancy is not viable. Last week I measured 4w3d and I should have been 6w1d. I will stop my meds Thursday after my U/S confirmation. How many days...
View ArticleCasentini on "What does this mean?"
I had a D&C on April 15th, more than two months ago. The baby was 10 weeks old. I am anxiously awaiting the pathology report, which they said would take a minimum of 8 weeks. The OB office never...
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